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Important Rules for July 4th

Everyone wants the same thing on the 4th – an amazingly good time with family and friends- celebrating, having fun but also being safe.  The crowds have been next level on the 4th the past couple of years and this year we are going to have a few new policies.

  1. No rafts, inner tubes or floats of any kind except noodles.  The pool is just to crowded on this day to have those big floats.  Please plan accordingly and get your noodles!!
  2. Devon will be taking 15 minute safety breaks at 1p, 3p, 5p and 7p.  When the guards blow their whistles at the top of each of those 4 hours we will ask that everyone clears the pool for 15 minutes.  This will enable the guards a short break as well as for them to treat the pool.
  3. No full face masks or snorkels. 

Please adhere to the new policies as well as the all the other rules we enforce everyday.